Interlocked Hearts
Interlocked Hearts...wedding gift for K&M C...horseshoes, copper ring, brass ring, iron ring.

Abundance Gratidude

Eclectic Lamp
Misc. found items, 1920's car steering assembly, lamp kit.

Chain Driven
3 gauges of drive chain, horse harness loops, sardine can key, roofing washer, bailing wire, pliers, flower cart u-bolt, square nails, ore car spike, lattice.

Tirechain Heart
My broken tire chains.

Celtic Shoeknot

Yellow Daisy
Oil drum lid, bottle caps.

Cage-Free Chicken
Diamond plate, rebar, western harp, gear section, horseshoes, keys, emt, tin, porcelain coated bowls.

Old Horseshoe Puzzle
Horseshoes, chain, steel ring.

Colonial Flag
Square stock, lattice, angle iron, 1930's car body.

Repurposed to Windchimes
Copper pipe from their crawlspace, wheel armature, bronze wire, 7UP bottle, wire.

Frightened Barbed Kitty
Horseshoes, rebar, lock, roofing tacks, stein top, barbed wire.

Metal bench legs, horseshoes, rebar, pliers, deadbolt, wire, screen, etc.

The one that led to my addiction.

Buggy Rim Clock
Buggy Rim Clock...iron buggy wheel rim, rebar, horseshoes, stove cover lifters, barbed wire, rail spikes, armatures, harness rings, clock workings.

Prayer Gratidude

Eclectic Cross
Misc. found objects, gate hinges.

Shaky Shooter
Diamond plate, horseshoes, rocker, spent casings, misc. armatures.

Horseshoe Heart

Rusty the Horse 2
Rebar, horseshoes.

Tahoe Project
1930's car body.

Beatles Au Rust
A nightmare of wire, powder case, miscellaneous coated and uncoated tin items, padlocks, iron mesh and diamond plate.

Cactus in a Can
Coffee can, lattice, 1930's car body, concrete.

Elaphus Magnetus
Tough old emt, curly hook thing, railroad spikes, steel wool, rebar.

Iron at 50 Degrees
Diamond plate, horseshoes, lock, screen, rebar, wire, roofing tacks, etc.

Metal Mantis
For my wife, old CA license plate, glass beads, bottle, expanded metal, wire, knife handle.

Lesser Iron Woodpecker
Expanded metal, bearings in race, spring and armature.

Voyageurs Camp Sign
Horseshoes, rebar, rail spikes, 1930's tent stakes, iron rings.

Diamond plate, horseshoes, cast iron door embellishment, square and round nails.

U.S.All of us
Oil Drum lid.

Paleo Ichthyo
Pick heads, rebar, r.r/mining spikes, door knob, bolts, tractor brake pedal.

The Magnetic--A Water Feature
Repro r.r. spitune, rebar, syrup can, tin cups, pocket knife, bed spring, misc. rust.


Oil drum lids, steel lattice, concrete.

White Daisy
Oil drum lid, bottle caps.

Cactus with Child in Can
Coffee can, lattice, 1930's car body, concrete.

Flowers de Caps
Drum lids, bottle caps and 3 kids to paint.

Brown Little Piggy
Gasket frame, horseshoes, shock spring, coiled spring.

Cupcakes au Rust
Pitch fork, wire, sardine can, mesh, rebar, etc.

Flashlit Hummingbird at Lunch
Flashlight, toothpaste tubes, bedpan, wire, steel wool.

Mussels n Rust
For my daughter, a hanging gizmo with opened mussel shells.

Steroidal Goldfish
Horseshoes, shoe brads, glass stoppers.

Small fuel tank, steel wire, copper wire, iron balls.

Family of Five
Horseshoes, broken tire chains, rollup door chain, rebar.

Spike Cross
Railspikes, industrial washer, faucet handle, bolt.

Go Red Wings!!!
Horseshoes, wheel hub, tire chains, structural washer, tire, circular steel compression washer, 1930's car body, lattice.

Oil Drum Clock
Oil drum lid, clock innards.

Glassback Turtle
Keys, wire, broken glass, mesh, knife butt, belt buckle, etc.

Rusty the Horse
Rebar, horseshoes.

Rose Sin Thorns
Heavy wire, tin, cast iron, solder...Happy Mother's Day!

DeeDee the Dog
Horseshoes, fan blades, silver spoon, insulators, wire, rebar, bed spring, coiled mesh.

Common Iron Rattler
Emt, lock, key, bolts, figure 8 clasp.

Magic School Bus
Old milemarker, spark plug, wire, favorite lunch box.

Voyageur a la Sardine
Sardine can, hinge, license plate hat, wire.

Paleozoic Dragonfly
Horse shoes, oxen shoes, rebar, copper wire, tire chains, muffler, lock nuts, steel wool, telco openwire insulators.